Friday, April 4, 2008

original music, anyone?

A short one for today. Sorry, things are busy.

But not too busy. This afternoon I watched The Descent. (I know. About time, right?) And yes, watching horror movies in the middle of the day is kind of a cop-out. But it was really overcast, so I didn't think it would kill the atmosphere.

I'm mildly claustrophobic, so I'm probably a little biased. I thought it was a tight little movie. It took it's time building up and most of the characters were well-written. It got me to bump Dog Soldiers higher up in the queue.

One thing did stick out to me. Did anyone else notice the John Carpenter-esque music cues. They sounded straight out of The Thing. Which wasn't a bad thing. (seriously, no pun intended) They worked into moments with mounting tension and paranoia, and The Thing is a case study in mounting tension and paranoia. So I thought it was a pretty clever nod. But when I heard it again, I started to wonder: Is this an homage, or is that the exact same "doong doong" from The Thing? And how do you copyright "doong doong?" Anyone else notice this?

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