Friday, March 21, 2008

Not really a review, but...

This is actually just a post to complain about Region encoding on DVDs. Sexy, right?

So I was looking at DVDBeaver today, and noticed they had a new image comparison up for Lost Highway. Side note: If you haven't checked out their site (and you're anal retentive about image and sound quality), you should bookmark it. They are THOROUGH. I started checking their site fairly regularly after I got my region-free DVD player.

So, a little background. A year or so back I bought my current copy of Lost Highway.

It was released by Cinema Club (?) on Region 2 exclusively in the UK. It apparently has the same transfer and special features as the MK2 release in France. Which is a good thing. MK2 does great work. So I shop around, and order a copy online. Now, I figure that it will eventually get released in the US. I know this. It's a David Lynch film; it has to get a domestic release, right? Well, you're forgetting about the ongoing litigation surrounding the murder of Robert Blake's wife. And how he was the prime suspect in that murder trial. You can catch up on that here. I assumed someone was doing Blake a favor by not releasing the film here. Other than playing one of the creepiest characters I've ever seen in a Lynch film, there's that whole wife-murdering storyline... But this is all conjecture.

What I do know is that Universal is finally releasing Lost Highway in Region 1. (Mar. 25 to be exact)

At first, I was a little perturbed. I found my copy on sale, but still...c'mon! The exchange rate with the UK isn't exactly favorable. You can read DVDBeaver's comparison yourself, but it looks like the only nice thing about this new release is the price. No DTS track, skin tones that are WAY too red, and absolutely no supplemental material.

I'm glad I didn't wait for the domestic release.

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